ShanmugaES 216 - Signals, Systems, and Networks 2018-19
Course ContentMotivation and Basic Preliminaries of Signals and Systems; classification of signals in continuous and discrete cases, Basic signals - unit impulse, unit ramp, exponential (real and complex) functions, significance of basic signals; basic operations on signals; classifications of systems - concepts of linearity, causality, stability, time-invariance, convolution of CT and DT signals and systems; differential and difference equations, Fourier-domain analysis of CT and DT for periodic and aperiodic signals and systems - CTFS, CTFT, DTFS and DTFT and inter-relations amongst them; Laplace transform; Introduction to Sampling and Z-transform; Elements of graph theory - incidence matrix, loop matrix, cut-set matrix, circuit analysis, two-port networks. Textbooks
Reference Books
Lecture notes you make in the classroom will provide pointers to look into topics in different books listed above. The topics taught in a lecture may have evolved from multiple books and research papers. Reading books would certainly aid lectures but can never replace the lectures. Honor Code:Any form of copying in assignments, quizzes, and examinations will be considered as violation of the honor code of the institute and will attract severe repercussions through SSAC. Grading
Here, x is the number of lectures and tutorial sessions absent. Expected Learning OutcomesSignals, Systems, and Networks is a core course for the second year BTech Electrical Engineering students. It is the preliminary course which provides a platform to learn advanced courses such as Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Wireless and Digital Communications, 3D Computer Vision, Computational Photography, Adaptive Signal Processing, Speech Processing, and Wavelets. Contacting InstructorPrimary mode of contact will be to send an email and fix an appointment to meet. LicenseCopyright © 2017 Shanmuga. |